Prime Hoggs
The weekly sale of Prime Hoggs saw a smaller entry forward but selling to a competitive trade, in which more are required and needed to fulfil the demands of our buyers. The market topped at £90, twice for Suffolks from T & E Burrow, Slyne and for Texels from David Dickinson, Thurnham with plenty of pens of hoggs selling in the mid to late eighties. Top pence per kilo 212p/kg from T & E Burrow, with plenty of good conformation hoggs selling in the 190p/kg mark. Mule hoggs sold to a top of £77 from M & L Preece, Carnforth.
Cast Sheep
The cast sheep trade has improved which was seen today. Texel tups sold to a top of £89 from M & L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale with Continental ewes selling to £65 from S Wilson & Son, Scotrforth.