Lancaster Auction Marts annual show and sale Mule and Continental Gimmer Lambs had a catalogued of 1500 lambs. The sale, once again, attracted a busy ringside of buyers from Northern Counties and Southern buyers present as well.
The pre-sale judging was in the capable hands of Mr Ian Lancaster of Clitheroe, who had a strong entry of a dozen pens of ten forward to cast his eye over. Congratulations go to RH & C Ayrton, Abbeystead who were awarded the first prize rosette in the pen of tens which later sold to £120. This was closely followed by the second prize pen from AC & K Pye, Abbeystead, selling to £115. The first prize pen of twenty was awarded to W & A Cornall, Barnacre, which sold for £100 with the second prize pen of twenty going to AC & K Pye, selling to £106.
A strong interest for running lambs with plenty of pens selling between £60 and £70, with no pens selling under the £60 mark. There was a buoyant trade for the year with all pens being well bid for and a very high clearance rate, there was an overall market average of £79.93 achieved. The prize for the highest average of 50 lambs, not including prize winning lambs, was awarded to B & SE Carter, Ellel.
An entry of Cheviot Mule Gimmer Lambs sold to £94 from P Gardner, Knot End with Continental lambs selling to £86 from JA & VM Lamb, Conder Green.