Prime Lambs
The weekly sale of Prime Lambs had a larger entry this week of 500 forward for the sale selling to an overall market average of 157p/kg with lambs weighing 45kg to 60kg selling to an average of 160p/kg. The trade was topped at £86 for heavy weight Texel lambs from T & CM Kelsall & Sons, Chipping with other Texels to £85 from JK & BE Townley, Brook House and lighter Texels selling to £84 from DM Cardwell, Stalmine. Suffolk lambs sold to a top of £81 from K & DE Woodhouse of Ellel. RH & C Ayrton, Abbeystead sold good conformation Texel lambs to 188p/kg and 184p/kg. There was more Mules on offer today which sold to £69 from RH & C Ayrton.
Cast Sheep
Continental Cast Ewes sold to a top of £66 from C & B Lowther of Over Wyresdale with Mule ewes from the same home selling to £55.