
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Milking Herd Reduction on behalf of MH&SJ Morris, Wraysholme Tower, Monday 27th January 2025

Dairy dispersal draws buyers from far and wide.

On Monday 27th January North West Auctions conducted the reduction sale of the ‘Wraysholme’ herd of pedigree Holsteins on behalf of MH&SJ Morris, Allithwaite. This most genuine herd of cows was greeted by a well travelled ringside of buyers, who were all keen to secure additional and replacement cattle with proven breeding.
Several new calved heifers sort competitive interest, selling to £2450 for Wraysholme Almamater Furgie being six weeks calved with Wraysholme River Pamala selling at £2320. New calved cows sold to £2150 for Wrayholme Piston Kindle, with others at £2000 for Wraysholme Neptune Polly. Other mid lactation cows were regularly £1600 to £1800, with older cows £1400 to £1550.
A large proportion of the sale comprised of dry cows and heifers, due mid March onwards to the Hereford selling to £1880 for Wraysholme Marquis Kindle due with fourth, with £1800 achieved for Wraysholme Piston Susanna. Others were regular £1500 to £1700, with several longer dated cows £1220 to £1450.

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