Dairy dispersal draws buyers from far and wide.
On Monday 27th January North West Auctions conducted the reduction sale of the ‘Wraysholme’ herd of pedigree Holsteins on behalf of MH&SJ Morris, Allithwaite. This most genuine herd of cows was greeted by a well travelled ringside of buyers, who were all keen to secure additional and replacement cattle with proven breeding.
Several new calved heifers sort competitive interest, selling to £2450 for Wraysholme Almamater Furgie being six weeks calved with Wraysholme River Pamala selling at £2320. New calved cows sold to £2150 for Wrayholme Piston Kindle, with others at £2000 for Wraysholme Neptune Polly. Other mid lactation cows were regularly £1600 to £1800, with older cows £1400 to £1550.
A large proportion of the sale comprised of dry cows and heifers, due mid March onwards to the Hereford selling to £1880 for Wraysholme Marquis Kindle due with fourth, with £1800 achieved for Wraysholme Piston Susanna. Others were regular £1500 to £1700, with several longer dated cows £1220 to £1450.