Texel: £213 High House Farm, £209 Crosscrake Farm, £204 Birks Farm, £196 Low Foulshaw Farm, £195 High House Farm. Suffolk: £209 Yoad Pot, £205 £197 Station Hotel Farm, £202 Lane Ends Farm, £196 High House Farm, £194 Hallbeck. Charolais: £198 £190 £181 Crosscrake Farm. Continental: £187 £171 Hazelslack Tower Farm, £155.50 £150 Green Farm. Dorset: £187 £175 £171 £170 High Biggarsbank. Dutch Spotted: £174 £149 Curlew Rock. Ryeland: £164 £162 £159 Old Byre Barn. Beltex: £135 £124 Kirket Nook. Cheviot: £127 Kirket Nook.
Beltex: £208 Southways. Charolais: £202 Stubb Hall Farm, £148 Tailbert. Texel: £192 Helm Croft, £188 Milestones Cottage, £186 Stubb Hall Farm, £182 Cragg House Farm, £180 Park Farm Barn, £176 Halton Park Farm. Cheviot: £190 Bowers Farm, £164 £154 Stubb Hall Farm, £150 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage. Horned: £174 Halton Park Farm, £134 Low Carlingill. Mule: £170 High Swinklebank Farm, £162 Halton Park Farm, £155 £140 Docker Farm, £148 Helm Croft, £136 High House Farm. Herdwick: £162 Paddock Cottage, £132 Halton Park Farm, £130 Park Farm Barn. Suffolk: £161 Angerton Hall Farm, £140 Birks Farm, £130 The Bungalow. Blue Texel: £154 Cragg House Farm. Continental: £152 £149 £138 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage, £135 £132 Halton Park Farm. Swale: £148 £138 Halton Park Farm, £136 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage, £130 Barras Farm, £116 High Swinklebank Farm. Scottish Black: £142 £140 £115 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage. Dalesbred: £138 £132 Ubarrow Hall, £126 £122 Low Carlingill, £112 Tailbert. Cheviot/Mule: £132 Poppy Farm.
Texel: £270 Whitbarrow View, £240 Cottage Farm, £225 Whitbarrow View, £218 Kendal College, £210, £198 Spital Farm. Beltex: £230 Cragg House Farm, £148, £88 Yealand Manor. Continental: £186 Brown Edge, £172 Woodside, £156 Millbeck, £150 Curlew Rock, £148 Woodside, £148 Holmelands. Suffolk: £180, £160, £158 Oak Aveune, £156, £145, £138 Near Scholes Farm. Cheviot Mule: £176 Bowers Farm, £149 Kendal College, £146 Swallowmire, £146 Kendal College, £140, £136 Yealand Manor. Blue Texel: £164 Cragg House Farm. Mule: £162 Oak Aveune, £154 Boundary Beck, £154 Holmelands, £152 Slack Farm, £152 Crabtree Farm, £148 High Biggarsbank. Dorset: £158 High Biggarsbank, £140 Floraire, £134 High Biggarsbank, £122 Floraire, £120 Brow Head. Cheviot: £158, £142 Red Squirrel Terrace, £134 Woodside, £124 Bowers Farm, £114 Red Squirrel Terrace. Zwartble: £150 Low Foulshaw Farm, £120 Curlew Rock. Rough Fell: £140 Barugh House, £138 High Borrowbridge, £112 Boundary Beck, £80, £85 Boundary Beck. Charolais: £140, £132 Floraire, £114 Kendal College. Goat: £134, £128, £124, £120, £98 Raines Hall. Swaledale: £130 Nether House Farm, £120 Barras Farm, £120 Yoad Pot, £116 High Birk Howe Farm, £110 Nether House Farm, £102 Arklid Farm. Leicester: £128 Poppy Farm, £100 High Borrowbridge. Gritstone: £126 Waltham Nursey. Herdwick: £126 High Birk Howe, £80 Aughton Hall Farm. Horned: £118 The Bungalow, £98 Woodside, £88 The Bungalow. Masham: £112 Near Scholes Farm, £112 Higher Standen Drive. Scotch Blackface: £108, £82 Meadow Wood. Jacob: £100 Moor Gill.
Texel: £180 Crabtree Farm, £172 Oakfield Farm, £142 Cottam Farm, £114 The Bungalow, £92 Crabtree Farm, £92 Thistle House. Beltex: £160 Deansbiggin, £144 Holmelands. Cheviot: £144 High Borrowbridge. Leicester: £126 Red Scar Farm, £80 Blea Cragg. Rough Fell: £112 Barugh House. Swaledale: £96 Arklid Farm.
Continental: £175 Helm Croft. Texel: £175, £165, £155 Helm Croft.
Mule: £275, £228 The Borrans.
Texel: £360 Southmire Farm, £340, £330 The Borrans, £280 Aisgill Farm, £270 Southmire Farm, £245 Aisgill Farm. Mule: £245, £235, £200 Southmire Farm, £150, £135 Bank End. Swaledale: £188 Low Waterside, £172, £138 Benson Hall. Continental: £185 Sella Farm, £160, £150, £140, £130, £125 Bank End. Masham: £148, £145 Helm Croft. Herdwick: £130, £125 Sella Farm.