
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs, Cast Sheep and Sheep with Lambs at Foot, Tuesday 14th March 2023.


Another fast trade for Prime Pigs with a trio of Large White x Gilts leading the sale achieving £232 from JM Navesey with others from the same home selling at £210 and £208. Other well finished pigs regularly £135-£170 depending on breed with caution towards boars. Lighter weight pigs sold to £132 from A Smith. Top of 215p/kg this week with an overall market average of 146p/kg.
Weaners sold to £140 from AP Keiley with other at £35, £31 from S Whitley.


The opening sale of Sheep with Lambs at J36 created plenty of interest from local and travelled buyers. A lovely run of Texel ewes with Texel twin lambs from JR Waller, Killington selling to £285 with other pens from the same home selling to £270. This good home also sold aged Mule ewes with Texel twins to £248. T Ellis, New Hutton sold 4 crop Mule Ewes with single Texel Lambs to a top of £170. A run of broken mouthed Cheviot ewes from JW&E Woof & Son, Furbank sold twins to £208 with singles selling to a top of £180.
Please contact Bradley Thompson to discuss the best way to market your ewes and lambs.


Hoggs sell to £139 and 293p/kg. Overall Market Average of 239.82p/kg.

More appetite in the hogg trade with well finished and well-bred hoggs proving to be the most attractive to buyers.
A super run of well finished hoggs from M&YS Barker, Halton lead the sale at £139 for Texel x purchased by Plumgarths Farm Shop with others from the same home selling at £135 to Browns Quality Meats Shop.
Heavy weight hoggs perhaps seeing same resistance, regularly selling at £118-£128, standards having a nice rise at £105-£115.
Light weights Continentals sold to £100 with others from £92-£99.
Over half the entry being hill bred hoggs with heavies selling to £126 for Cheviots, £113 Mules, £109 Herdwicks and £108 Scotch Blackface. Light Weights sold to £100 for Herdwicks from Messrs Hodgson with Swaledales to £88.
Topping the market at 293p/kg was a pen of Beltex x Hoggs from FI&ME Little with others nicely selling at 250-285p/kg, well fleshed grass hoggs generally 225-240p/kg. An overall market average of 239.8p/kg for hoggs ranging from 26-70kg.


Cull ewes continue to sell to a fast trade with a full ringside of buyers forward. Topping the headlines today was Beltex ewes selling to £154 from RA Holmes, Preston. Texel ewes saw a top of £150 from H Newton, Levens with others selling to £149 from JR Waller, Killington. Leicester ewes sold to a top of £148 from WJ&I France & Son, Chipping. Strong continental ewes were regularly selling from £120-£130. Mule ewes saw a top of £126 from J Twigge, Lindale others selling to £124 twice from P Hutchinson, Woodland and JC Dunning, Tebay. 100 mule ewes forward averaged £105. Hill ewes saw Rough Fells sell to a top price of £110 from BJ Bainbridge, Shap. Cheviots sold to £97 from M Allen, Yealand Manor. Swaledale topped at £96 from JA Bennett, Longsleddale with the best regularly selling £80+.
30 cast rams forward saw Texel to £178 from JC Dunning, Tebay with Charollais selling to £170 from A Hartley, Broughton in Furness with Swaledales selling to £124.

Top Prices


Texel: £139 Halton Park Farm, £135, £135 Mint Close, £130 Red Scar Farm, £126 High House, £126 Halton Park Farm. Beltex: £135 Halton Park Farm, £129 Helm Croft, £125, £122 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage, £116 Helm Croft, £112 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage. Cheviot: £126 Ghyll Farm, £118, £116, £114 Bowers Farm, £113, Little Eccleston Farm. Continental: £123 Heights Farm, £118 Mint Close, £116 Low Levens, £115 Heights Farm, £114 Low Levens. Mule: £113 Higher Core Farm, £111 Nether House Farm, £107 Greaves Farm, £106 Holmelands, £106 Low Levens, £105 Greaves Farm. Suffolk: £112 Halton Park Farm, £111 Hodgsons Green Farm, £109 Helm Croft, £108 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage, £100 Hodgsons Green Farm. Herdwick: £109, £101 Byre Cottage, £100 Rydal Farm. Scotch Blackface: £108, £107, £99 Halton Park Farm, £99 Little Eccleston Farm, £95 Helm Croft. Dalesbred: £105, £95 Holme House Farm, £91 Roundthwaite. Rough Fell: £105 Marsh House Farm, £100 High Woodend, £98 Boundary Beck, £96 Old School House, £95, £93 Marsh House Farm. Swaledale: £103 Byre Cottage, £99 Holme House Farm, £92 Higher Core Farm, £92 Nether House Farm.


Beltex: £154 Keepers Cottages, £88 Holmelands. Texel: £150 Low Levens, £149 Hallbeck, £144 Yealand Manor,£142 Low Garths Farm, £138 Low Chapel Farm, £130 Yealand Manor. Leicester: £148 Higher Core Farm, £140 Low Garths, £128 Higher Core Farm, £120 Swallowmire Farm. Dorset: £142 Hallbeck, £126 Gaskell House, £120 Hallbeck. Mule: £126 Holmelands, £124 Low Chapel Farm, £124 Hole Beck, £123 Cracalt Farm, £120 Low Groves Farm, £116 Oakfield. Suffolk: £120 Low Garths Farm, £120 Low Levens. Rough Fell: £110 Steps Farm, £95 Sproat Ghyll, £92 Bowers Farm, £88 Archers Hall, £80 St Annes Farm. Zwartable: £110, £70 Low Garths Farm. Cheviot: £97 Yealand Manor, £90, £86 Bowers Farm, £85, £80 Brow Head, £80 Swallowmire. Swaledale: £96 Middale Farm, £83 Nether House Farm, £69 Barrowfield, £69 Helm Croft. Scottish Blackface: £86 Audlands Park. Charollais: £80 Woodside. Cheviot x Mule: £90 Low Deepslack. Dalesbred: £70 Higher Salter.


Texel: £178, £152 Low Chapel Farm, £148 Hill Top Farm, £132 (2) Low Chapel Farm. Charollais: £170, £155 Turner Hall, £124 Nether House Farm, £110 Byre Cottage. Herdwick: £132 Turner Hall, £102 Byre Cottage. Beltex: £128 Low Chapel Farm. Kerry Hill: £90 Low Garths Farm. Cheviot: £86 Brow Head. Leicester: £85 Nether House Farm.

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