
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: The 22nd Annual Production Sale of the Whiteley Hey Flock on behalf of Mr Paul Slater.

Record breaking price for Pauls Production Sale… 5500gns!!!

On Monday 21st August 2023 the 22nd Annual Production Sale of the Whiteley Hey Flock on behalf of Mr Paul Slater was held at North West Auctions J36 Rural Auction Centre, Kendal in conjunction with Mitchells Auction Company, Cockermouth.

The Annual Sale was very well attended with the pre-sale pens full of both new and old customers looking to purchase some outstanding sheep. With Paul continuing to use the best bloodlines year in and year out, this was evident with his sheep being classy with great muscle depth and terrific skins.

The sale opened with a packed ring side of buyers eager to obtain some of Pauls females.

A very influential sire in The Whiteley Hey Flock has been “CrackerJack”. This ram bred all the leading priced females in each section. Lot 201 a 2 Shear Pure Bred Texel Ewe sold for £600 to G Hargreaves, Ivy Bank Farm, matching this price was a single Texel Shearling lot 230 which went to H Huddleston Son, Snab Green. Closely behind these was lot 204 a pair of Texel ewes selling for £580 to WJ&V Case, Plumpton Cottage Farm.

The gimmer lamb section started with an eye catching “Crackerjack” ewe lamb lot 283 which went on to sell for £520 to Mr J Shaw, Mill Brook. Garngoure Awesome another of Pauls outstanding stock rams was not to be outdone by CrackerJack and joined the party with the second priced ewe lamb lot 284 selling for £400 to GE Powell, Burlton Lane.

Pauls pens of breeding rams was packed with potential customers looking for well-bred stock. His first pen of Shearlings Rams averaging a whopping 1938gns. Leading the sale was lot 65 a ¾ Texel x ¼ Beltex sired by “Blackjack” which was sold to JP&CM Jones, Maesterran Pengoes for 5500gns. Closely following was lot 5 a “Dirty Harry” sired texel which was franticly bid for, making 4000gns and joining the Sinclair Family. Five lots later lot number 10 a “Blackjack” Sired Ram also commanded a bid of 4000gns selling to B Jones, Alton Manor.

With bidding lively throughout the ram section 11 rams broke the 2000gns barrier and many more crashing through the 1000gns barrier.

A well-travelled ring side of buyers were at the auction and would go home pleased with the stock which Paul Slater had turned out again.

A special thank you goes to the sponsors of the sale Vivers Scotlamb, Trident, Eden Farm Supplies, Carrs Billington, Agri Lloyd, Osmonds and Rumenco. Thanks also goes to Jonny, Katie and Robbie Aiken for preparing the sheep.


Shearling Rams £1106.11

Aged Ram £1470.00

2&3 Shear Ewes £320.11

Gimmer Shearlings £303.62

Ewe Lambs £190.95

Top Prices

Leading Prices

Rams -

Texel – 5500gns, 4000gns x2, 3700gns, 3500gns, 2800gns, 2200gns x2, 2000gns x2, 1900gns, 1600gns, 1500gns, 1400gns x2, 1300gns x4, 1200gns.

Beltex – 3000gns, 1700gns, 1400gns x2, 1050gns, 1000gns x2.

Charolais – 1800gns, 1200gns, 1000gns x2.

Aged Beltex – 1400gns.

2&3 Shear Ewes –

Texel – 600, 580, 550, 400 x2,340, 300, 250.

Beltex - 450, 420, 400, 380, 280 x4, 250 x3.

Black Beltex – 320 x2, 280, 260, 250.

Charolais – 280, 260.

Shearling Gimmers –

Texel – 600, 450, 360, 350, 320, 300 x4, 280 x5, 260 x2, 250 x2, 240.

Beltex – 500, 480, 420, 380, 340, 330, 320, 300 x3, 280.

Charolais – 300, 290 x2, 280 x3.

Black Beltex – 400, 380, 350, 300 x2, 260.

Black Texel – 280.

Ewe Lambs -

Charolais – 260, 190.

Texel – 520, 400, 380, 300, 290, 230, 220 x2, 200 x4, 190 x3, 180 x3.

Beltex – 250.

Black Texel – 190, 180.

Black Beltex – 180, 170, 160.

Black Charolais – 240.

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