
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Sale of Pigs, Sheep with Lambs at Foot, Spring Lambs, Prime Hoggs & Cast Sheep. Tuesday 25th April 2023


What a difference a week makes with spring in the air and a full ring side of buyers forward, ensuring all sheep sold to a fast trade. The first Mule hoggs with lambs of the year were forward, with a pen of ten with Suffolk lambs from RC Wharton & Son, Appleby selling to £202. More onlooks were around the ring keen to purchase replacement sheep, this saw fully vaccinated Mule shearlings with Texel twin lambs from G&KM Atkinson, Colby selling to £268. The same good home sold Texel shearlings with Texel twin lambs to £260. Older Texel ewes saw RT Colbear, Appleby sell his best to £280 with twin lambs. A bigger show of Mule ewes were forward with twins regularly selling at the £220 to £225 mark, topping at £230 from G&KM Atkinson, Colby and JM&NJ Strickland, Whinfell.
More hill ewes and lambs were forward today with plenty of people round the ring looking to purchase these types, aged Cheviots with Texel twin lambs sold to £175 from H Cook, Whitherslack with single Cheviot ewes selling to £128 from RC Wharton & Son, Appleby.
200 outfits are already entered for next weeks sale with plenty of interest from all purchases, please enter with confidence.


- 20 Spring lambs were forward with an overall marked average of 315p/kg.
- The sale topped at £160 for Texels from JN&DJ Bowes, Crook.
- Charollais sold to £149 from FC&CM Robinson & Son, Milnthorpe.
- Dorsets sold to £139 from FC&CM Robinson & Son, Milnthorpe.


- There was a two-tier trade with well meated hoggs of all weights selling to a premium. Grassy type hoggs are still meeting a good demand with an overall market average 272p/kg.
- Texels sold to £165 from SH&LE Birkett, Nether Kellet.
- Cheviots sold to £162 from SH&LE Birkett, Nether Kellet.
- Beltexs sold to £148 from AE Atkinson & son, Endmoor.
- Mules sold to £145 from Stockdale Farms, Sedbergh.
- Leicester sold to £123 from Strickland Hill, Witherslack.


A leaner entry of 280 cull sheep were forward today with over half the sale being hill bred ewes, all saw all forward average £80.16.
- Cull Rams sold to £160 from Dave Dixon, Grayrigg.
- Ewes sold to £146 for Leicesters from JF Cook, Grange Over Sands.
- Texel x ewes sold to £140 from both AE Atkinson & Son, Endmoor and LE&A Ridding, Selside.
- Mules achieved £136 from DE&SM Moorehouse, Natland.
- Lleyns sold to £132 from JA&R Geldard, Gilpin Bridge.
- Hill sheep saw Cheviots to £140 from J&M Wilson, Selside.
- Rough Fells to £116 from AJ&JL Sansom, Windermere.


The popular end of month sale of pigs saw an alley way full of keen and eager buyers in attendance for all classes and types. Prime pigs sold to a top price of £225 for Pietrain x Saddleback x gilts form P Woof, Stainton, closely followed by M Navesey, Darwen selling pens of Large White x gilts and hoggs upto £222 with others at £205. Lighter weight prime pigs sold to £175 for a Pietrain x hogg from W Stamper, Chipping who also sold gilts at the same price.
An increase in interest in younger pigs with weaners selling to £53 for Large White x Gilts from GJ E Heseltine & Son, Skipton who sold others at £48. Traditional bred weaners sold to £32 for Gloucester Old Spots from J Broatch, Dumfries.

Top Prices



Mule: £100 Cragg House Farm.


Mule: £202 High Field, £128 Moss Howe Farm.


Mule: £268 Green Farm, £242 Bank View, £235 The Borrans, £230 The Borrans, £228 The Borrans, £220 Riddings. Texel: £260 Green Farm, £255 Riddings, £255 Riddings, £210 Riddings, £168 Riddings, £160 Thistle House. Continental: £185 Hope House, £182 Moss Howe Farm, £168 Hope House, £152 Thistle House.


Texel: £280 Heights Farm, £230 Heights Farm, £218 Heights Farm, £212 Heights Farm, £200 Heights Farm, £200 Heights Farm. Mule: £230 Green Farm, £230 The Borrans, £222 Riddings, £220 Gilpin Farm, £220 Howe Farm, £215 Howe Farm. Charollais: £215 High Field. Continental: £215 The View, £180 Burnhead Farm, £180 High Greenside, £168 High Greenside. Cheviot: £175 Moss Howe Farm, £142 Moss Howe Farm, £128 High Field Farm. Hebridean: £162 Nibthwaite Grange Farm. Horned: £148 High Greenside. Suffolk: £142 Nibthwaite Grange Farm. Herdwick: £75 The Old Vicarage.


Texel: £160 Low Brundrigg, £157 Low Brundrigg, £128 Warth Sutton Farm. Charollais: £149 Warth Sutton Farm. Dorset: £139 Warth Sutton Farm, £124 Warth Sutton Farm, £118 Warth Sutton Farm, £115 Warth Sutton Farm.


Texel: £165 Stubb Hall Farm, £160 Broomfield, £159 Stubb Hall Farm, £156 Cockerigg Farm, £155 Stubb Hall Farm, £154 Stubb Hall Farm. Cheviot: £152 Stubb Hall Farm, £152 Stubb Hall Farm, £174 Stubb Hall Farm, £138 Bowers Farm, £131 Nibthwaite Grange Farm, £130 Low Gregg Hall. Beltex: £148 Stubb Farm, £130 Stubb Farm, £120 Coat Green Farm, £120 Coat Green Farm, £120 Stubb Farm, £115 Coat Green Farm. Mule: £145 Bowers Farm, £117 Crosthwaite, £115 Bowers Farm, £100 Boundary Beck. Leicester: £123 Strickland Hill. Suffolk: £122 Hodgsons Green Farm, £118 Nibthwaite Grange Farm, £116 Nibthwaite Grange Farm, £110 Brow Head, £106 Whinfield Farm, £100 High Farm. Charollais: £112 Hodgsons Green Farm, £109 Oswalds View, £105Hodgsons Green Farm. Lleyn: £110 Fenay Bank, £101 Low Foulshaw Farm, £93 Fenay Bank. Continental: £104.50 Coat Green Farm, £104.50 Coat Green Farm, £93 Hollinwood. Rough Fell: £95.50 Boundary Beck, £88 Millbeck. Dalesbred: £74 Re Braida Garth. Zwartble: £60 High Farm.


Dutch Spotted: £160 Grayrigg Foot. Leicester: £146 Yewbarrow, £90 Whinfield Farm, £84 Birch Bank, £82 Strickland Hill. Cheviot: £140 Cooper House, £128 Low Tarn Green, £114 Cooper House, £100 Yealand Manor, £94 Low Tarn Farm, £92 Brow Head. Texel: £140 Stubb Farm, £140 Steel Croft, £138 Broomfield, £132 Low Tarn Green, £130 Millbeck, £128 Marsh Grange Farm. Mule: £136 High House Farm, £134 Park House Farm, £128 Broomfield, £124 Grayrigg Foot, £118 Flodder Hall, £117 Flodder Hall. Lleyn: £132 Low Foulshaw Farm, £118 Low Foulshaw, £116 Birch Bank, £106 Low Foulshaw Farm. Suffolk: £128 Whinfield Farm, £122 Whinfield Farm. Rough Fell: £116 Blackmoss Farm, £90 Blackmoss Farm, £82 Marsh Grange Farm. Beltex: £116 Whinfield Farm, £98 Yealand Manor, £98 Yealand Manor. Dorset: £110 Burnhead Farm. Cheviot Mule: £108 Crosscrake Farm. Ryeland: £100 Old Byre Barn, £88 Old Byre Barn. Zwartble: £100 Somme Avenue. Swaledale: £86 Eskew Beck, £72 Flodder Hall. Charollais: £82 Low Barn Farm. Continental: £72 Thwaite End, £68 Thwaite End, £62 Thwaite End.

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