
: J36 Spring Lambs, Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 29th June 2021

The weekly sale of Prime Lambs saw a slightly sharper market average of 244p/kg for 1022 forward. The increase in trade was down to the much-decreased number of lambs available at Monday markets as many farmers took advantage of the good weather, hay timing and shearing.

Lambs in strongest demand were well finished lambs with weight, as 45kg – 50kg lambs averaged 264p/kg with lambs heavier than this averaging 260p/kg. It was heavyweight Suffolks from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland that led the way selling to £151 with 47kg Suffolks from the same home achieving £137. Texel lambs from the same good home sold to £134. 51kg Charollais lambs sold to £136 from NJ Strickland & Son, Whinfell and £135 from JR Robinson & Son, Nook. Other noted prices for Charolais were £133 weighing 48kg from DB & RM Willison, Ingleton.

Other noted leading prices today saw Suffolk lambs sell to £134 and £133 from J & C Airey, Ulverston with Texel lambs to £132 from R & J Dodgson, Natland followed by £130 from LE & A Ridding, Selside, with many more pens of lambs selling in the late one hundred teens and one hundred and twenties.

Best confirmation lambs sold to 291p/kg from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland.Texels achieving 283p/kg from LE & A Ridding, Selside, with plenty of pens of better bred, well finished lambs easily selling in the 260p/kg – 270p/kg.

There were fewer ewes about today with 200 going through the ring with all ewes selling to a flying trade and many more needed to fulfil demand for the upcoming festival. Texel ewes led the way today selling to £136 from NJ Strickland & Son, Whinfell with other Texels selling to £135 and £134 from M Cook, Ulverston. Texels out of Mules were regularly selling to the £120 – £125 mark with all Texels forward averaging £119.

A strong pen of Suffolk ewes from RH, M & S Boyren, Colton sold to £132. There was plenty of demand for all Mule ewes today with the leaner types looking dearer on the week. Mule ewes sold to £119 from RF & CE Hodgson, Ulverston with a full pen from M Cook, Ulverston selling to £115. Medium, fit Mule ewes were regularly selling well over the £100 mark, with all Mule ewes forward averaging £105. RH M & S Boyren, Colton finished off a good day in the cull ewe ring selling Cheviot Mule ewes to £130.

Cull ewes were in keen demand which saw Swaledale ewes sell to £109 from Strickland Hill Farming, with Rough Fells selling to £105 from I & J Mallinson, Selside with a full pen of Herdwicks selling to £96 from SC Gorst, Broughton in Furness.

Top Prices

Prime Lamb:
Suffolk - £151, £137, £134 High House Farm, £134, £133 Reeds Gardens. Charollais - £136 The Borrans, £135 Hollins Farm, £133, £124.5 Moffinber, £115 Crosscrake Farm. Texel - £134 High House Farm, £132 Cracalt Farm, £130 Steel Croft, £128 Crosscrake Farm, £125 Garnett Folds. Hampshire - £116, £97 Bradleyfield House. Beltex - £112 Low Foulshaw Farm, £105, £104 Stubb Farm. Continental - £95.5, £90 Park House Farm. Leicester - £95 Low Foulshaw Farm. Mule - £94 Holme Farm, £78.5 Moss Howe Farm.

Prime Hoggs:
Continental - £85, £73 Bull Bank Farm. Dalesbred - £60 Higher Salter. Swaledale - £50 Higher Salter. Horned - £50 Higher Salter.

Cast Ewes:
Texel - £136 The Borrans, £135, £134 Hollin Hall, £132 Fell House, £127 Hill Park, £126 Hollins Farm. Charollais - £134 The Borrans, £129 Moffinber. Suffolk - £132 Hill Park, £117 Howriggs, £116 Hollin Hall. Cheviot – Mule - £130 Hill Park, £107 Howriggs. Mule - £119 Rowe End Farm, £115 Hollin Hall, £111 Howriggs, £109 Bull Bank Farm, £107 Holme Farm, Low Brundrigg. Leicester - £118 The Borrans, £90 Moffinber. Swaledale - £109 Strickland Hill, £93, £83 Barbon Fell House, £56 Lockbank Farm, £50 Roundthwaite, £49 Barbon Fell House. Cheviot - £108 Luneside. Rough Fell - £105 Borrow Bridge House, £87 Luneside, £85 Lockbank Farm, £76 Luneside, £71 Lockbank Farm, £66 Lockbank Farm. Herdwick - £96, £47 Hoses Farm.

Cast Tup
Texel - £118 Tranthwaite Hall.

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