A bumper entry of calves were forward with 110 going under the gavel with all selling to an increased trade on the fortnight. A run of British Blue bulls from JW & TE Sharp, Lyth sold to £530, with this price also being achieved by JH Towers & Sons, Tunstall. Limousin bulls sold to £500 from CM & CS Chaplehow, Clifton Dykes. All British Blue bull calves forward averaged an impressive £401. Continental bred bull calves were regularly selling in the £300 - £350 mark.
Native bull calves were keenly bid for once again at J36 with Angus’ selling to £350 from RS & CE Hodgson, Pennington. A young run of Hereford bulls sold to £310 from JM Barton & Son, Lupton, with others to £300 from Bamber Farms, Thurnham.
All heifers were a strong trade at J36 with British Blues once again leading the way selling to £420 twice from JW & TE sharp, Lyth. Limousins sold to £390 from NP & CE Buckley, Staveley with well grown Continental bred heifers regularly selling in the high £200-£300’s. A run of Simmental heifers from Bambers Farms, Lancaster were much admired, selling to £340 and £320. Much more demand was shown for native bred heifer calves with Angus’ selling to £395 from WB Winder, Broughton-in-Furness. With Herefords selling to £290 twice from Bambers Farm, Lancaster and JM Barton & Son, Carnforth. Black and Whites sold to another impressive trade with weaned Black and Whites from JH Towers & Son, Tunstall selling to £240 with other strong ones selling to £190 from PW & D Swindlehurst, Underbarrow and £185 from Whitestone Farm, Penrith. Medium type Black and Whites were regularly selling well over the £100 mark, and all forward averaged £88.
A young show of 60 stirks were forward with 6 month old Hereford bullocks selling to £750 from PD & PJ Mason, Burton in Kendal, who also sold Angus bullocks to £740 at the same age. Topping off another good day for the Masons in the stirk ring, were Blue heifers selling to £720. B Butterfield & Son, Burton in Kendal sold a lovely run of weaned 4 month old stirks to £570 for British Blue bullocks and Limousin heifers of the same age to £550. Black and White stirks were in big demand with the best selling to £595 from PD & PJ Mason, with others regularly selling to mid £500.
It was a sizzling trade just like the weather, with strong Angus bullocks from G Cuthbertson, New Hutton selling to £1280, Simmental bullocks sold to £1250 from GG U & D Swarbrick, Meathop, and Charolais bullocks topping twice at £1170 from RJ & R Holden, Millom and GG U & D Swarbrick.
Yearling bullocks were in a strong demand with the best selling over the £1100 mark and topping at £1120 for a Charolais bullock from JC Walling & Son, Lyth. A wonderful run of Blonde bullocks from MJ Whitworth, Bolton le Sands peaked at £1100 at just 8 months old. A good run of Friesian bullocks from RJ & R Holden, Millom sold to £980.
Strong Charolais heifers from RJ & R Holden sold to £1245 with Limousin heifers selling to £1245 from TW Nelson & Son, Stainton. Yearling heifers would be the trade of the day with Limousins selling to £1050 from JB & ND Baines, Eskdale and Blondes selling to £1070 from MJ Whitworth.
Buyers are showing very keen demand for the upcoming sales of store cattle at J36.
The demand remains very high for all cull cows at Junction 36, with an overall average of 148p/kg. Limousin cows sold to 210p/kg from CM & CS Chaplehow, Clifton, Dykes. This also topped per head at £1332. A strong run of Saler cows from AMS Robinson, Staveley sold to £1115 or 175p/kg, Continental cows full of meat were regularly selling to the 160-170p/kg. Friesian cows were keenly bid for once again, selling to 170p/kg from A & EB Booth, Giggleswick, whom also topped the price per head at £1074. Friesian cows straight out of the parlour were regularly selling between 135-145p/kg mark.
Cast bulls were in massive demand at J36 with a Limousin bull from B & MJ Nelson, Heversham selling to £1472 per head.
Cast cows are needed for the upcoming sales, please contact one of the auctioneers with any enquires.